Labour Laws
Labour law also known as Employment law is the body of laws, administrative rulings and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organizations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees. In other words, Labour law defines the rights and obligations of workers, union members and employers in the workplace. Generally, labour law covers:
  • Industrial relations – certification of unions, labour-management relations, collective bargaining and unfair labour practices;
  • Workplace health and safety;
  • Employment standards, including general holidays, annual leave, working hours, unfair dismissals, minimum wage, layoff procedures and severance pay.

There are two broad categories of labour law. First is the Collective labour law relates to the tripartite relationship between employee, employer and union. Second includes Individual labour law which concerns employees' rights at work and through the contract for work.

Labour Law covers various Acts which are enforced by the Central government, State government and by various municipal bodies.

Iconsult Solution successfully rendering their service with following Acts
  Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESIC)
The Employees State Insurance Act,1948 is one of the most social security legislation in India .it has been enacted to provide certain benefit like Medical ,sickness, Maternity and employment injury, benefit to employee. The Act is administered by the Employees State Insurance Corporation the premier social security Organisation in India
  Employees Provident Fund and Misc provision Act -1952
The Employee provident funds & Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952 has been enacted with the main objective of protecting interest of the employees after their retirement and their dependence after death of the employees. The Act provide insurance to worker and their dependence against risk of old age , retirement, discharge, retrenchment or death
  State Professional Tax Act
Article 276 of the constitution of India authorizes the state legislature to levy taxes on profession, trades, calling and employment in their states. Initially, the article had stipulated two hundred and fifty rupees per annum as the maximum limit of the taxes liveable by a state However , Vide sixtieth amendment in the constitution in 1988 this limit has been enhance to two thousand and five hundred rupees per annum as the maximum amount of taxes payable by any open person to state or to any one municipality, District board, local board or other local authority in the state.
  Labour welfare fund Act, 1953
Term “Labour welfare” refers to all such services, amities and facilities to the employees that improve their working condition as well as sander of living its interpretation varies from state to state as per their socio economic condition, degree of industrialization and level of maturity of fundamental democratic values.
  The contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970
The contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 has been enacted to regulate the employment of contract labour and to bring them at par with directly employed labour with regards to the working conditions and other benefits and also to provide for abolition of contract labour in certain circumstances
  The Minimum Wage Act, 1948
Minimum Wages Act, 1948, has been enacted to provide the minimum wages in certain specified employments. The minimum wages act binds the employer to pay the minimum wages fixed under the Act form time to time. Under the provision of act both the central & state government have the authority to fix ,review ,revised ,and enforce the minimum wages to worker employed in scheduled employment under their respective jurisdiction.
  Shop & Establishment Act, 1948
Shop & establishment act have been enacted by the state to regulate condition of work and to provide for statutory obligation of the employers and right of all employees in un organised sector of employment such as shop ,commercial establishment ,residential hotel ,restaurant, eating houses, theatres, and other establishment in their Jurisdiction.
  The Factories Act, 1948
Factories Act ,1948 has been enacted to regulate the working condition in factories and to ensure provision on the basic minimum requirements for satisfy health and welfare of the workers as well as to regulate the working hours ,Leave , Holiday, employment of children ,women ,etc
  The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 has been enacted to provide for a scheme for payment gratuity to employees engaged in factories, mines, oilfields, plantations, ports, railway companies, shop or other establishment up on their superannuation ,retirement , Resignation ,death or disablement due to accident or disease.
  The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
The payment of BonusAct,1965 has been enacted to provide & Regulate the payment of bonus to employees in certain specified establishment either on the basis of profit or on the basis of productivity of the establishment
  The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
Maternity benefit act, 1961 has been enacted to regulate the employment of women in certain establishment for a certain period before and after the child birth and also to provide for maternity and other benefit
  The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
Industrial dispute act, 1947 has been enacted to provide machinery to peaceful resolution of industrial disputes and to promote harmonious relation between employer and worker
  The Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946
Industrial employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946 has been enacted with the object that the employer in the industrial establishment shall define with sufficient precision the conditions of employment and shall also make know these condition to the workmen
  Apprentices Act, 1961
The Apprentices Act 1961, has been enacted to regulate and control the training of apprentices and for matter connected there with
  Workman Compensation Act, 1923
The workman compensation act 1923 has been enacted to provide payment of compensation to workman or their dependents in case of injury / Accident arising out of and in the course of employment and resulting in disablement or death.
  Payment of wages, 1936
The payment of wages Act ,1936 has been enacted to regulate the payment of wages of certain specified worker classes of worker The act provides for prompt and effectual remedy to the worker against illegal and unjustified deduction from their wages. Further the act also seeks to ensure timely payment of wages to worker and prescribes mode of payment of wages to the employed person
  Law Related child Labour / Contract labour Act, 1986
The basic objective of the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986, is to ban employment of children below the age of 14 years in factories, mines and hazardous employment's and to regulate the working conditions of children in other employment's.

The Contract labour Act,1970
An Act to regulate the employment of contract labour in certain establishments and to provide for its abolition in certain circumstances and for matters connected there with.
  The Employment exchange Act,1959
This Act also called as Compulsory Notification of Vacancies Act ( The Employment Exchanges Act, 1959). It extends to the whole of India. It shall come into force in a State on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint in this behalf for such State and different dates may be appointed for different States or for different areas of a State.

Services we render
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to above the subject
  2. Conducting audit, gap analysis and giving suitable guidelines
  3. Assistance in payment of employees' various benefits, claims as per the provision of the Act
  4. Representing employer with the enquiries conducted by the Inspector
  5. Assistance in calculating the amount of gratuity, bonus, PF, ESIC payable to an employee
  6. Updating and providing guidelines for amendments in law
  Record Keeping
  1. Preparation and maintenance of various records as prescribed under the Act
  2. Preparation and submission of annual returns as prescribed under the Act
  3. Replying to show cause notices
  4. Ensuring assistance in complying with various provisions of the Act related to disclosure, notice, display, deduction, forfeiture, etc
  5. Assisting the management during the inquiries conducted under the Act
  6. Professional assistance in conciliation/ mediation between the management and the workmen in the event of labour crisis / Industrial dispute
  7. Preparation and submission of notices with the controlling authority in case of changes in name, address, nature of business of establishment
  8. Obtaining registration of establishment with the controlling Authority
  9. Preparation and submission of various forms, returns and reports from time to time as prescribed under the Act
  Legal Support
  1. Appearing before the authority on behalf of the client
  2. Assistance to client at the time of inspection and search of any premises by inspector
  3. Assistance to management in processing of works committees, conciliation officers, board of conciliation, Court of inquiry, Labour court, industrial tribunal, Arbitration